Friday, July 26, 2013

Day In, Day Out

I was talking to my Pastor and friend last night about my upcoming half’s I was training for. And he jokingly pokes me with “So are you going to blog about your runs or just talk about it?”   And he’s right. I like writing. I feel called to write. But sometimes it’s just hard for me to get started.
That evening I went for my run and was thinking over what he said and wondering why I hadn’t felt inspired to write about my runs lately. I’ve run 2 half’s this year and am currently training for 2 more. So it’s easy to say I’ve been running a lot this year.  I feel like I should have so much to say, so much knowledge, so much something but kind of just felt like I was just going through the motions.

And then I realized something rather simple: sometimes my runs are just that, runs. Gasp! Sometimes my training is just that, training. There is no great enlightenment about myself. No great revelation. Sometimes it just feels like I’m just going through my check list.

Breakfast: check. Change diapers: check. Laundry: check. Grocery shop: check. Run: check. Sometimes the day to day isn’t magical or glamorous. Sometimes my runs aren’t all-telling about who I am. Sometimes you put in the work because you have to. I don’t mean for this to sound dreadful by any means. I love being a stay at home mom, serving my husband, taking care of my daughter. But some days it’s just routine, and that’s not bad, but nothing new or exciting happens.
And some days my runs are just runs. I put in the work because I made a commitment for the next race. Because I want to stay healthy and promote an active lifestyle in my family. Because it is great me time. Because I really do love it, even when getting out the door feels like a chore.

And so sometimes I don’t have much to say about running other than I did it today. It was another 3, 6, 9, X miles…. Nothing exciting, nothing to tell. I just did it.
But even in that there IS something it’s telling.

It tells of commitment. It tells of consistency. It tells of not relying on your feelings. It tells that it’s not about the glamour. It tells about sacrifice.
Because the races, the medals, the PR’s, the accomplishments aren’t made at the race. They’re made in the day in day out, humdrum of consistency to train even when you don’t feel like it. Even when it’s not exciting. Even when it’s just another X amount of miles.

The race is where we see the FRUIT of our labor…or lack thereof.
I believe this is how great marriages are made.  And great relationships with your children.

By being consistent. Being on purpose. Sticking to your commitment.   Not living based on emotion. Being present even when it’s hard. Not quitting. Not complaining. Even in the day to day, nothing exciting is happening times. Because those seeds, that foundation you’re building, that time you pour into your family will bear fruit.
Marriage isn’t all passion and excitement and tingly feelings like the movies show. It has its moments for sure. But it is in the day to day that we lay our foundation.… Serving each other. Putting the other first. Doing what needs to be done without complaining.  Enjoying time together. Sitting down for dinner. 

There isn’t a training plan for raising a child.  It takes time. Consistency, even when you’re exhausted. Unconditional love.  Sacrifice.  And lots and lots of stinky diapers.
Just like a race, you will get out what you put in.

So some days you’re just training. Some days you’re just mowing the lawn or playing patty cake for the five thousandth time.
But the rewards will be plenty my friend! Whatever avenue you’re in, never underestimate the day in day out, that’s where the great’s are made!                                                                                                                                             


  1. "Never underestimate the day in day out"

    Pure gold right there! You DO have a wonderful gift in writing. Thanks for sharing your life and being an encouragement to your readers! :)

  2. Love this. <3 <3 <3

    I'm going to need you to start texting me daily inspirational quotes now please.

    1. Ha ha M, I love it! I normally charge $5.99 per quote but after 14 years of friendship, for you it's free :)
