Thursday, May 23, 2013

C'mon Ladies

I have these women in my life. They are married. They are single. They are mommies.  They aren’t mommies.  They work outside the home. They are homemakers.  They are athletes. They are artists.  They are fierce. They are strong. They are compassionate and loving.  Some live down the street and some across the country.  They are my friends.  They are my support group.  They are my people.  Yes, I just referenced Grey’s Anatomy….
No matter what our differences, we seem to have this common thread: we have this innate response in hardship, trials, etc to try to go at it alone rather than reaching out or asking for help. It's been a common theme I've seen amongst so many women, myself included. Maybe it’s because we are Strong. Fierce.  Self-sufficient. We can do it all, remember? We are Moms. Wives. Independent. Career women. Driven.  We can do it all, right…?

How often do you hear or have you said, Why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you let me know you were struggling with…? Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you ask?? If you’re a lady and you’re reading this, this rings true beyond measure.  Why don’t we ask for help? Why don’t we call? Why don’t we reach out?  For some you don’t have someone you trust, but I don’t believe this is the majority. 
I think we need someone to reach out and push those walls we put up.  Step into our space and let us know we're not alone. Then continue to bug the stink out of us to make sure we know we are not alone. Because isn’t that truly what we want?  As women, to know we’re not in it alone?  To know someone else has walked this road.  Someone else has made that mistake in a relationship.  Can’t see themselves as worthy of more.  Has totally bombed it as a parent.  Is overwhelmed or depressed.  Has been sick and needed someone to help with the baby??  Someone else has BEEN THERE… and needed help as well.

I believe the Lord is all about building relationships and He uses our weak places to let us see our need. We need Him.  We need each other.  We need community. WE ARE NOT ALONE. 
I don’t know why women as a whole we have this bend, I can only speak for myself….

I don’t want to be a burden. I’ve done it so many times before on my own. I got this. Push through.  Everyone else manages, don’t be a baby.  You’re being ridiculous.  They don’t have time for you.  You’ll be rejected. Turned down. Let down.  Disappointed. 

You see where my head goes? Why?
Past hurts, insecurities and so on.  I’m sure many women feel this way. And I’m sure many others have many other reasons. None of which are invalid or unimportant.

You are important. You matter. Someone cares. You’re not alone. Your heart matters.  You’re Not Alone!  It’s important.  Someone wants to be there. It’s OK to struggle! It’s OK to need help! We need each other. We need real relationships.  Real life. Real touch.

That doesn’t make you weak. Doesn’t make you less of a women. Less of a wife. Less of a parent.  God has created us to need Him. To need relationships. To need others. He did not make us to be self-sufficient, independent, islands.  Right? 
So here’s my encouragement, Ladies, reach out for help! And Ladies, reach out to others!  If you’re doing good, I’m sure there’s someone in your life, circle, community that needs a nudge.  If you’re not, find those women around you that you trust and lean in. 

You’re not a burden.  You’re not weak.
You are worthy.  You are needed.

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