Saturday, April 7, 2012

Training for Baby

Today I am 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant, or about 7.5 months.  I’m in my third trimester, the final stretch, my belly is definitely showing and some days my exhaustion is at its peak.  I have found it hard to get motivated to write since I’ve been pregnant because I haven’t really been able to run, and on my runs is when I feel like I can clear my head, get inspired, process things, and just get some quiet time with the Lord.  I truly believe He has used my times of running as a way to inspire me, speak to my heart, really connect, and uses it to motivate me to write.  I find myself refreshed, refocused, and re-energized after a good run.

Needless to say, I have sadly only run Twice since I’ve been pregnant. Totally the opposite of what I had originally planned to do while pregnant—which was run til I waddled.  But my first going into my second trimester I was very sick.  It was Rough to put it nicely.  It took quite a toll on my body and most times I had barely enough energy to just make it to the bathroom.  Once that started to pass, the fatigue and exhaustion set in.  I’ve tried changing my prenatal, adding protein drinks, veggie drinks, eating more protein and so on, to no avail.  I have my good days where I can get a lot done and keep moving until I finally need a nap or to at least lie down. And then there’s other days where I make it out of bed, eat and have to turn around and get back in bed and sleep some more. 

So between the horrible morning sickness and the exhaustion, it’s easy to say I have been lacking in motivation and inspiration to write.  This makes me almost as sad as my inability to run right now.  I have lots of friends and family who are training for the Indy Mini next month including my husband, I get emails about upcoming races in the area all the time, and read running books and magazines—all  of which is somewhat self-torturous.   Some days it makes me crazy because in my mind I can still get out there and hit the trail and just go, but right now my body says otherwise.  My husband had a realization the other day that not running for me would be like him not being able to play his guitar anymore (he’s meant to be a worship leader) and I said absolutely, but throw in not being able to work out anymore as well because there is the physical aspect to it too.  He finally could understand how hard this is for me.  He also says this will be a great motivator to get back in shape quicker after the baby is here, which I totally agree.

But don’t misunderstand, I Love being pregnant. This has been my heart’s desire, we prayed for this child and I cannot Wait to meet her! It’s just a new season for me and I’m just learning to adjust and adapt as I go. I’ve found I can relate being pregnant, especially the first time, to training for the Mini the first time. I actually think in ways it has helped prepare me for being pregnant.

  In the beginning it can really take its toll. I remember the first few weeks I started training it took All the energy out of me, I would be in bed by 8pm every night., my body was not used to expending so much energy and getting up so early for my runs.  I had to start focusing on or changing what I was eating.  Had to make sure I was fueling properly—this area has been a struggle for me both in the Mini and being pregnant.  Then as we went along, there are the aches and pains in new places but also strength in others. Your body changes, you overuse something or because of the hormones your body loosens and so I have had to see a chiropractor for both.  I had to get the correct shoes and clothes—this is more fun in running than being pregnant, more stylish too.  Let’s be honest, getting new running shoes and gear is way more fun to shop for than maternity clothes, right?   And of course the change in my body.  It happens gradually in both but it seems like one day you wake up and Wow, look at those defined muscles! Or Wow, look at that bump!, which more accurately describes me now.  I love that all these changes, things you have to adapt or adjust to, everything that comes along with both, as hard as it may be at times is getting you to that goal. That pay off.  And trust me, I am not comparing finishing a half marathon to the beauty that will come from having my first child but anything worth having is worth fighting for—working for, sacrificing for.

Do I miss my pre-preggo body? Of course, but would I give up having a child just to go back to that? Heck no! This ever growing pregnant belly is a daily reminder of the gift that we have been so blessed to have.  To feel life moving inside, there is nothing better.  Was my first trimester one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through? Absolutely. Would I trade it for comfort? No way.  In so many ways training for the Mini had helped prepare me for this time.  The sacrifice, the discipline, the good days and the bad, the forever uphill climbs, feeling like you’ve got nothing left but you keep going because you haven’t accomplished your goal yet, haven’t reached that finish line.  There are run days and rest days, both are not only an option but needed.  I had to learn to read my body while I was training so I didn’t hurt myself, push too hard, know when to rest—and how much more since I’ve been pregnant because this isn’t just about me anymore.  Which is why I’m writing this on my laptop in bed….

So apparently even while I can’t run now, it seems running has taught me a lot, even about being pregnant, who would have thought??

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