Saturday, April 7, 2012

Running for Superheros

I read an article once, basically it was about how running is just that, running. No superhuman strength, no big to do or life-saving feat and it made me laugh. It was sad but for the most part true, in the context he was talking about. That is, until I needed my superhuman power to save my husband…
A little dramatic I know but it came in handy one evening. We headed out after work one night for what would have been his first 6 mile run. Left the house, headed out to the bike trail and cruised. Now he had been having some issues previously with what sounded like his IT band but hadn’t gotten it looked at yet. We get out to mile 3 and turned around, I usually like to hit the halfway point and head back so we end back at home. His knee was acting up about that time but he kept running. Finally about mile 3.5 he had to stop. We walked, he was really frustrated. He tried jogging again. He was limping it was so bad so I made him stop again. He took a few more steps and went down to the ground in so much pain—he couldn’t even Walk. We were still 2+ miles from home (which I didn’t know at the time) and it was getting dark, and we had no phone. I knew I had to run home and get the car, there was no other way. I told him to try to make it up to the next street crossing and I’d pick him up there, stay and wait for me I would be Right back. And I took off.
Now I feel a Little guilty to say but I started my watch to keep track of distance and pace…. Partly because I wanted to see how far the run was going to be and partly because I wanted to capture the miles, pace, see if I got a personal best. I know I know that’s horrible but it also helped push me. I took off Way faster then I ever run because I was concerned. I didn’t know if he had torn something, it was getting dark and he’d be sitting there just waiting until I got back—and I needed that to be sooner rather than later. I sprinted like it was my job. And then I started breathing too hard and slowing down and Then I had to remind myself to Do all the things I tell others to do when I’m pacing them—Breathe Riannon, this is no time to forget your form, you can’t fall apart and throw all your training away right Now. So I pushed and ran and ran. Now 2 miles isn’t far with all the mileage I’ve done but After running almost 4 and then going to a dead Sprint, let’s say it was training I was apparently needing.
I would watch my pace when I would start to feel that burn, my body fighting back and I would check and if my time was dropping I would kick it up again—this is no time to wimp out! This isn’t about a training run, this is for real! There are lives at stake people! Dramatic much, I know but don’t we All want to feel that sense of being needed though?? That sense of knowing You’re the only one that can help at this moment because you’ve been preparing for this every day you go out for those “pointless” runs?? I threw my cape to the wind and pushed on.
It was slowly getting duskier and I was almost home. The whole run thinking “Boy am I glad I’m in shape or this would have been a 2 mile walk….”. And that just wouldn’t have cut it. I got home, jumped in the car and picked up my husband. Nothing torn, just a limp and his bummed pride that he was unable to finish. We drove home and though I was concerned for him I couldn’t help but be a little proud of my time, and myself. I thoroughly love that I got the chance to use my superpower to be a superhero by doing that ‘boring and pointless thing’ I love, running.

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